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The British Journal of Occupational Therapy will be free to all (including all previous issues) from 30 October to 9 November 2015, in honor of OT Week (in the UK 2-9 November).

The October issue features an editorial by COTEC president Stephanie Saenger and Vice President, Anne Lawson-Porter and collects articles on the OT Week (UK) theme of prevention and early intervention.


COTEC goodbye and welcome

During the 3rd General Assembly of COTEC in Riga October 3-4 2015 the GA members said goodbye to Executive Committee member Maria Daniela Farrugia who stepped down after two years of her term. Maria served many years as delegate of Malta in varied roles. She was a dedicated member and her valuable contribution to the work of COTEC and the EC will be missed. Three longstanding delegates Lena Haglund, Zdenka Philar and Gunner Gamborg announced they step down as representatives of their country. COTEC thanks them for their contributions and support during all these years and wishes them all the best for the future.

Russia was welcomed as new member of COTEC and two Executive Committee members Patric Duletzki and Elsita Velikova were elected.

Integrated care conference Barcelona, deadline November 14

intergrated care

Deadline extended NOVEMBER 13

A Movement for Change:
Enabling People-Centred and Integrated Health and Social Care

The 16th International Conference on Integrated Care will take place in Barcelona from 23-25 May 2016. The conference is co-hosted with PIAISS of the Catalan Government, Hospital Clinic Barcelona (HCB), Forum ITESSS and the Tic Salut Foundation.Paper submissions relating to the conference themes will be accepted until Friday, 30 October. The paper should take the form of an abstract of not more than 750 words. Abstracts of good practice, projects, development of policy, research, concepts and theory, lost and found and network/thematic discussions or workshops are welcome! We are particularly keen to hear from colleagues working in the social care and public health fields.

All accepted abstracts will be published in the International Journal of Integrated Care(Impact Factor 1.500) Accepted abstracts will appear in the programme as a formal oral presentation, workshop or as a poster to be displayed in the exhibition area, as deemed appropriate by the scientific committee. All accepted abstracts will compete for the IFIC Annual Integrated Care Award. Selected abstracts will compete for the Best Poster Award.

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