OT-Europe Workshops

A series of OT-Europe Workshops will be held in the run-up to the 2nd COTEC-ENOTHE Congress being held online between the 15-18 September 2021.

OT-Europe Workshop on Interdisciplinary Delirium

Date: Thursday 8th July 2021

Time: 16:00 – 18:00 CET

Lead: Dr Christian Pozzi (SUPSI – University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland)

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OT-Europe Workshop on eHealth

Date: Tuesday 31st August 2021

Time: 15:00 CET

Lead:Dr Susanne Guidetti (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm)

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OT-Europe Workshop on Health Literacy

Date: Wednesday 1st September 2021

Time: 15:00 – 18:00 CET

Lead: Eva Denysiuk (COTEC)

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OT-Europe Workshop on School-Based Occupational Therapy

Date: Thursday 9th September 2021

Time: 15:00 – 18:00 CET

Lead: Dr Debbie Kramer-Roy (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences)

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OT-Europe Workshop on Displaced Persons

Date: Friday 10th September 2021

Time: 16:00 – 19:100 CET

Lead: Nadine Blankvoort (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences)

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The pre-congress OT-Europe workshops have limited capacity and only registered participants of the congress can sign-up and participate (for free). So please, if you are interested, register for the conference first here and subsequently register for the workshops here. Since the workshops are organised and hosted by ENOTHE and COTEC, their platforms (Teams or Zoom) will be used to stream the events.

Find the congress programme HERE.

We look forward to meeting many of you for these online workshops!

BREAKING NEWS: Program Release of the 2nd COTEC-ENOTHE Joint Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, September 15-18, 2021

Dear members, colleagues, authors, and participants,

The Scientific Committee is very pleased to announce that the program is ready to be published.

With an enormous effort and support, our COTEC and ENOTHE offices in collaboration with our Czech organising partner Guarant, we have managed to compose a full four-day Virtual Congress. We would like to express our gratitude to all of you who are still on board making this postponed virtual congress happen in September this year. We have received many supportive messages that truly encouraged us to continue this adventure.

Soon we will also announce the pre-congress program in which the OT-Europe workshops will have a special position lined up towards the congress.

Prior to proceeding to the program available in the link below, we would like to inform you and repeat some notifications about the program.

There will be five parallel virtual rooms together with exhibitor rooms, a poster lobby and other digital applications through which you will be able to enjoy the program at your own pace. Having a virtual congress does have its benefits and opportunities since the fees are lower now, no travelling is needed which means that anyone from anywhere can join! And you will have full access to all parts of the program, including the pre-congress OT Europe Workshops. Of course, we had to make difficult choices to create space. Formats have been changed with regards to time slots and we have moved some parts outside the conference program. The General Assemblies and Governance days of both ENOTHE and COTEC and some of the student activities have been moved prior to or after the conference. We will try to organise all the very promising OT-Europe workshops online, in a series towards the congress. Keynotes and keynote workshops are still in the program and will be re-scheduled to comply with time zones around the globe.

Regarding the formats the following revisions have been made:

  • Workshops are now 45 minutes, seminars 15 minutes, roundtables 30 minutes long and will be delivered via livestream.
  • Oral presentations require a pre-recording of 5 minutes and will be clustered in sessions followed by a 10-minute Q&A
  • All days start with a short plenary opening and close with social and informal online events.

Authors and participants can see their place in the program by searching in the program menu. Clear instructions and instruction-guides for technical support, uploading posters, oral presentation recordings and so on will be provided for presenters through the congress website and Guarant partner.

Please find the program on the ExOrdo website here:


To navigate through the program use these instructions: https://support.exordo.com/article/889-how-to-search-the-programme

If you have any questions about the program or your abstract, please contact:


It has been a challenge to reschedule and transfer all the existing and new abstracts to a new program set up to fit our new platform hosted by Guarant as well as the University and Association partners in Prague. The new platform will be available via the Congress Platform from end August / beginning September.

Don’t forget that early-bird registration is now possible until May 31st, (already 220+ participants confirmed and counting!). Members of COTEC and ENOTHE can also make use of the single-use discount codes for an even lower fee

There are great online exhibit possibilities for sponsors, so don’t forget to check out the new Prospectus on the congress website and spread the word. Follow the updates and deadlines closely on the conference website https://www.cotec-enothe2021.com/

On behalf of both boards, the Organising and Scientific Committees, we wish you all the best for now and are looking very much forward to meet you all online!

Stay tuned, safe, resilient and healthy!

Warm regards,

On behalf of the Scientific and Organising Committees,

Soemitro Poerbodipoero (ENOTHE President) & Anu Söderström (COTEC President)

Invitation to our first COTEC Webinar

On Monday, May 17th COTEC will be hosting its first webinar in the context of European Public Health Week. Following the theme of the day “Communicating Science and Health”, we are delighted to have two esteemed speakers who will introduce Health Literacy as an important topic to Occupational Therapy practice.

Title: Health literacy explored: The Occupational Therapy perspective

When: May 17th, 17:00 – 19:00 CET

Where: Zoom

Register at https://forms.gle/Mqznxr3ZJuLCZJuP6

Places are limited and will be granted on a first come, first-served basis


17.00 Welcome

17.10 Introduction – Why this webinar & what is Health Literacy?

17.25 Keynote – Helen Osbourne

17.50 Keynote – Kristine Sørensen

18.15 Breakout sessions; small group discussion

18.30 Plenary – reporting of different groups

18.45 Sum up & Closing


Meet the Speakers

Helen Osborne, M.Ed., OTR/L is president of Health Literacy Consulting, producer and host of the podcast series Health Literacy Out Loud, founder of Health Literacy Month, and author of the award-winning book, Health Literacy from A to Z; Practical Ways to Communicate Your Health Message.

Learn more about Helen’s work and background at the Health Literacy Consulting website, www.healthliteracy.com. You can also sign up for her free month e-newsletter, “What’s New in Health Literacy Consulting” with information about the latest how-to tips, podcasts, and other health literacy news.

Kristine Sørensen, PhD is the President of the International Health Literacy Association and Executive Chair of Health Literacy Europe. She is the Founder of the Global Health Literacy Academy, a consultancy that provides advice on health literacy research, policy, and capacity building. She works for universities, governments, NGOs and international organizations such as the Council of Europe and the World Health Organization. For more information: https://www.kristinesorensen.net/


This webinar is organised by COTEC and co-hosted jointly by Eva Denysiuk & Katharina Radak-Scherer with the support of COTEC Office Administrator Shawn Abela

COTEC-ENOTHE 2021 goes Virtual

Dear Colleagues,
We hope that you, your family, colleagues and friends are safe during these challenging times.
After careful consideration of the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Organising Comm­ittee decided to hold the COTEC-ENOTHE Congress 2021 as a fully virtual congress. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the situation for international travel remains difficult and planning includes significant uncertainty.
The virtual congress will be held as planned on the originally scheduled dates of September 15–18, 2021.
The virtual format will combine live streams, exhibitions and Q&A sessions during short and man­age­able time slots to facilitate real-time exchange with and within the international audience.
With our best regards and hope to meet all of you during our virtual COTEC-ENOTHE 2021!
Stay tuned and stay safe!
With kind regards

Guides for the Newly Qualified OT

Transitioning from being a student to a qualified occupational therapist is a demanding time at the start of your professional career and can sometimes be quite challenging: received knowledge crashes headlong into a barrage of real-world exceptions. The identity and lifestyle of a student ceases as the world of work replaces it.

Sound familiar to you now or perhaps it rekindles past memories?

In March 2020 The Elizabeth Casson Trust commissioned an exciting project with Dr Lynne Goodacre, an occupational therapist, researcher and personal coach and Rob Young, an artist and writer who helps NHS Leaders to communicate. The purpose of the project, called Year 1: Thriving not Surviving, was to create resources to support the wellbeing of newly qualified occupational therapists in their first year of practice.

Ten first year occupational therapists answered a call to work with Lynne and Rob. Over the course of six months they engaged with the wider occupational therapy community to co-produce a series of freely available self-coaching resources. Their commitment, energy and time has ensured that the resources are embedded in the real-life experiences of this community.

If you are in your first year of practice, download and take a look at the guides. They are not meant to be worked through in one go but are designed to help you pause, reflect and work on aspects of your life which may be challenging. Dip into whichever best meets your needs and, as the group themselves said, ‘I need to remember to OT myself’.

Wellbeing Pocket Guides for the Newly Qualified OT


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